Monday, July 02, 2007

Iphone I love U

Oh man, I got to play with one of those bad boys today and it is spectacular. Now given my new plan of tighter fiscal responsibility I am most certainly not going to march out and buy it both if one fell off a truck...I might not be responsible for my actions at that point. It appears to this untechie as sheer brillance with it's cool features and design. Ok enough, unless they start paying me to sell them or at least give me one of them, I will write no more.


At 6:40 PM, Blogger Josh said...

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At 1:34 PM, Blogger Franny said...

No worries, Josh! I was simply saying that it was a beautiful specimen. I am well aware that first time gadgets usually need to work their bugs out. And then there is the money issue. For now, I am going to have to settle for nine electronic devices that all have separate charging devices and suck it up.

At 8:35 PM, Blogger Franny said...

Don't do i! It's cool until you realize that a) it costs $500 b) requires a two-year AT&T contract at around $60 or more a month c) said AT&T service is already earning tons of complaints and d) most amazingly, just like the iPod, the battery is not removable. That's right. When the battery dies - and it will - you'll have to send your essential life-enhancing device into the shop, just like the iPod only with every single important thing you need on a day to day basis (per the sales pitch).

Wait it out, Franny. You're strong. Besides, if you add up all the above you can probably get a pretty sweet computer, one that won't be totally obsolete next week. And one that won't become Mizz's favorite (broken) toy in five minutes

(Edited comment from Josh)


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