Thursday, February 04, 2010

Need vs. Want

A few days ago Mizz asked Dave why he has a daddy who always has to work. This makes me sad a little bit, but I also realize that even with Dave's traveling, there are many, many men out there that work way more hours than him. In any case, when Dave reminded him that people work to make money for things we need like food and toys, Mizz interrupted him and said. "No, no, no, we NEED food, but we don't NEED toys!" I'm kinda blown away by this assessment of need at the tender age of four and a half. I am well aware of my own tendencies to confuse want with need, and can't believe that Mizz can differentiate. Although, Mizz is definitely not the toy hound that some kids seem to be. He is way more interested in figuring out ordinary household objects, doing math, drawing, reading, and admittedly, if left to his own devices (hah!) playing on the computer or with any other electronic gadget.


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