Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

Dillon won't stop talking. He is clearly making leaps and bounds cognitively and I think I am privy to most of it. Some of it is hilarious, some of it heart wrenching. Since Gigi's (my grandma) death, followed closely by our cat's death, Dillon has clearly been thinking about what death means. He wanted to send a Valentine to Gigi, even though he knew she wouldn't get it.Yesterday, in the car, Dillon asked me: "Will I disappear when I die? Followed up by: Will you put me in a fire or bury me in the ground?" Today, out of the blue, Dillon announced: "You don't know that much. I know more, like Max!" Of course, this was followed up a few minutes later with "Why am I naked?" A few minutes later, "What are babies scared of?" Another recent gems was: "I hate you because I love you!"


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