Monday, January 20, 2020

A New Season

There’s a season for everything.  Apparently the last several seasons haven’t been for blogging. But influence and motivation can come from anywhere and a friend’s recent tweet expressing surprise/shock/mirth that people in 2020 are still blogging, left me with curiosity and a desire to revisit this page from the past. Not only did I revisit it, I shared it with Little D, who in fact, isn’t so little anymore. He was stunned that I had a blog. I am not sure if his shock was from the fact that I had my own little piece of the internet or that I had willingly taken the time to string several paragraphs together OR that I felt like I had anything important or interesting enough to say. Still he was intrigued and impressed with it and loved finding out/remembering things from his early days.  as for me, seeing the blog reminded me of how much  I actually love the exercise of sitting down and reflecting and then taking the time sort it out on the page. So I am back, at least for now. My kids are much older and Mizz doesn’t want to be called Mizz anymore. So from now on my babes will be referred to as M and D and I will reclaim my space on the internet.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

Dillon won't stop talking. He is clearly making leaps and bounds cognitively and I think I am privy to most of it. Some of it is hilarious, some of it heart wrenching. Since Gigi's (my grandma) death, followed closely by our cat's death, Dillon has clearly been thinking about what death means. He wanted to send a Valentine to Gigi, even though he knew she wouldn't get it.Yesterday, in the car, Dillon asked me: "Will I disappear when I die? Followed up by: Will you put me in a fire or bury me in the ground?" Today, out of the blue, Dillon announced: "You don't know that much. I know more, like Max!" Of course, this was followed up a few minutes later with "Why am I naked?" A few minutes later, "What are babies scared of?" Another recent gems was: "I hate you because I love you!"

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Photo Book

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Happy New Year!

While the Jewish New Year is largely focused on reflection and atonement, I am taking the time to announce my resolution/intention to spend more time blogging this year. I have missed the writing and also, really value the record it creates...and the chance to share more of our lives with our family and friends. L'Shanah Tova and more to come soon!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Mizz's Birthday Card

Here's some pictures of the birthday card that was waiting for me yesterday morning! My sweet, sweet boy is already writing in code! Look out computer world!

More Birthday Goodness

Yesterday I pretended to be 12 years old again, when in fact, I turned 35. My friends obliged me and accompanied me to a roller rink where we skated to 80's music in our best retro garb.

Here's a picture of the best lemon cake ever!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Oh, yeah!

I have a blog! I should probably update once in a while, right? Let's see the big news, as of late, is that D money turned 3 years old! We celebrated his birthday with a return trip to the yurts at Nehalem Bay. It was fantastic despite the rainy weather. We climbed sand dunes, played ridiculous lawn games, made a camp fire, and "roughed it" with some good friends. D wore his birthday crown for five days straight often proclaiming that he was a king! It was such a busy, fun weekend that we almost forgot to give him presents! Luckily for D, Dave remembered. D is pretty excited about his new tool set or, what I like to call, nine thousand more little pieces.

Let's back up a few weeks though, and celebrate the fact, that D, one day simply decided to potty train himself. He decided he was done with diapers and has never looked back! With the exception of a few mishaps it has been ridiculously easy. Yes! D is actually making huge developmental leaps and bounds. Almost every day, he demonstrates new phrases, concepts, and imaginative play ideas. He still makes adorable mistakes and at times, is hard to understand. For example, he uses the word "yesterday" to mean something he did in the past, whether it was yesterday, last week, or 6 months ago. Like a lot of three years old, he insists on doing things all by himself! He also demands to fill his own lunch box every day when I am packing Mizz's lunch for school.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Paean to my book club ladies

When I'm not working, running, driving, cleaning, or taking care of the kiddos I am most likely reading. Two years ago, I joined the book club trend with three other amazing women. It is easily one of the best things I've ever participated in. Besides finding new books and having people to talk to about them, we have grown really close as we share the stories of our lives. Two weekends ago, we celebrated our two year anniversary at the beach. Given our (relatively) infamous history, book club quickly turned into what might be more appropriately called booze and hot tub club. It was, um, really, really fun. Still, all the joking aside, I have learned so much from our discussions and I am so grateful that "club" (as we like to call it) hasn't petered out after a few half hearted attempts at getting together.

Here is a list of the books we have read:

1. Twilight
2. We Were the Mulvaneys
3. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
4. The Soloist
5. White Tiger
6. Valley of the Dolls
7. Love, Loss and What We Wore
8. Love the One You're With
9. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
10. Sex and Sunsets
11. Duma Key
12. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan
13. South of Broad
14. The Unbearable Lightness of Being
15. Portnoy's Complaint
16. Such a Pretty Fat
17. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
18. Her Fearful Symmetry
19. Choke
20. The Namesake
21. Little Bee
22. Sarah's Key
23. Cutting for Stone
