Friday, September 29, 2006


I'm the first one to admit when I have made a mistake. The most recent follies include: Mistake #1 Buying a huge bag (think Costco) of Halloween candy a month before Halloween. Mistake #2 Promptly opening the bag and digging in. It is a seemingly bottomless bag, but I am seemingly trying my hardest to find the bottom.
Mistake # 3 was walking all the way to Mizz's daycare, picking him up, and then remembering that I had parked at work. We had a great time riding the train to retrieve the car. I was sure that the extra 15 minutes would do us in on the trip home, but Mizz was remarkably not tired/cranky and we ended up having a great discussion. It involved mainly me imitating his babbling and him cracking up.


At 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I laugh at this, as I too bought six bags of Halloween candy under the reasoning that they were on sale. So far, one bag is gone. Will the other five last? Nicole


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