Monday, May 07, 2007

Will someone please tell Mizz to go to sleep?

This may be my latest (earliest?) posting at 4:30 Pacific Time. Mizz is crying and I have no idea why. Frankly I am not interested in starting my day at 3:45 (when he woke up). So Dave and I have both been in there trying to explain why now is not a good time to point at lights and play with Megablocks. I mean really, the day is long enough when it starts at 5:45. Not that I have time to do everything but I am usually exhausted by the end of it. Well actually that is not true. Usually I am exhausted all day and then come 10:30 at night, I am wired with all sorts of ideas running through my head. OK must go check on the boy who has worked himself up quite nicely.


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