Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Watch out democrats!

The "moral" majority strikes again. It seems another Republican Senator fails to meet the very standards that he lambastes others for not meeting. Like the article states, the point is not that he did IT (or even his long history of doing it), it's his brazen hypocrisy and disregard for the truth solely to benefit himself that makes me sick. How many of these "shocking" scandals will it take before people stop mucking around with platforms full of empty rhetoric and actually take a stance on real issues (such as health care, education, being a responsible global partner). More importantly, when will people start questioning more of what comes out of politician's mouth? I am actually fairly pessimistic about this and I realize that I am pretty skeptical of a lot. I couldn't even get through the much celebrated Freakonomics without getting myself pretty worked up. In any case, here's the article.


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