Wednesday, December 03, 2008

I seem to have lost my voice

Figuratively, not literally. The last few months have taken their toll on my ability to read, write, and communicate in general and I am looking forward to regaining those items and some time with my husband in the new year. D is almost seven months old!!! He is continuing to live up to his Easy D moniker and is scooting right along the developmental milestone table. He is eating with baby gusto, getting up on all fours and maneuvering himself quite adeptly around the floor, and is "talking" more and more. But he is still going to bed around 10 pm or so and is waking up once or twice a night, which I realize compared to some babies is not so bad...but the months of interrupted sleep have definitely started to wear on me and Dave. Mizz still plays the part of rooster but at least has decided to do his rooster call at 6 instead of 5. As for the days...let's just say it's been pretty busy around here. But with some sleep training in the near future and D on the verge of getting super mobile, I can't help but hope that things will be easier soon. Of course, I am already anticipating the inevitable sibling spats. Um, D wants to touch everything, and for some reason only known to the universe, whatever D touches immediately becomes super precious to Mizz. Fortunately, Mizz can be convinced to share pretty easily and in general, continues to be very thoughtful and excited about D's development.


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