Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Spring? What spring?

According to the National Weather Service, the Portland area has had only three clear, sunny days between March 21st and June 21st. And, um, I can vouch for that (if I was one of them real blogs I would link to it). In any case, it has been a long, wet spring which was finally punctuated today by what I think was the sun. It reached a whopping 83 degrees today and the Mizz, D, and I frolicked in it with gusto. We went to the park for climbing, running, sliding, action and brought out the water table and hose this afternoon. Thank goodness for the sun.

Despite the gloom, or what I like to call a city wide study on the comprehensive effects of seasonal affective disorder, our family has managed to stay sane and actually even have lots of fun. Pics to follow soon.


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