Monday, March 05, 2007

First week of Freedom?

It has felt like a tumultuous week and a half, what with quitting my job and everything (including starting a new one and waking up at 4:30 in the morning too often). Mizz is doing much better in the sleep department but today was another early one for some unknown reason. What sucks about the 4:00 risings is that no one is in a good mood or awake including the sweet pea who is demanding our attention. So Mizz stumbles around the house yelling at everything and I crawl around behind him using whatever is available for a pillow. Even the play park wasn't enough to snap Mizz out of his bad mood. Of course this was the day I remembered to bring the video camera...So stay tuned, footage of a pissed off Mizz yelling at Tiny Tike cars may follow.

On the bright side, literally, it was 60 something degrees today and beau-ti-ful. We made use of the dramatic climate change and rode the new OHSU tram for the first time. We were wowed by the cool technology and stunning panoramic views. Even Mizz appreciated it and he is not much for scenery. We were up on the hill for Mizz's ear check up and follow up audio gram. His hearing is top notch once again; so he now has no excuse for not talking. I want verbiage. Although as impatient as I am , it is clear that he is definitely listening and communicating. In the car today, Dave caught him singing to Billy Idol's Rebel Yell signing AND singing"More, more, more". He even had the Billy Idol sneer down. It was pretty hilarious. He also is copying my "to the tub!" chant although it comes out in a sweet lilting "too dah taah"! He kills me.

And finally, the vertical venetian blind count: House 20, Mizz 4. As in Mizz has removed four blinds because they were not up to his standards, I mean they were in his way. I recently read something that stated that roughly 50 percent of kids take in what their parents say after one or two times and the other 50 percent are known as "testers". I leave it up to you to guess which camp the Mizz falls into. Let's just say that I now hate the sound of my own voice especially when it is saying anything along the lines of "gentle, that's not a toy, be nice, NO!, that's an owie, etc. ad nauseam.


At 10:34 AM, Blogger Marketing Mommy said...

Do you *have* to get up with Mizz at 4am? That's just insanity!!

I'll bend the rules for Z starting around 5:55, but any earlier and I just tell her "It's still night-night. Everyone is sleeping."

I've heard of some folks who set a clock radio and tell their kids (starting around 12 months) to "wait until the music comes on" before getting up.

At 9:08 PM, Blogger Dave said...

4 am isn't regular, but these days, he's often up when I roll out of bed at 5:30. He has been a bit screwed up since he got his bionic ears. Hopefully he'll chill a bit as time goes on.

At 9:11 PM, Blogger Dave said...

On the blinds, they seem to be being removed because we've told him not to do so. With the last one I saw, he walked by and grabbed it as he smiled at me. I was too slow, but he seems to like a noisy NO! reaction. Houston, we have a problem.


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