Tuesday, February 20, 2007

We're back!

Despite ourselves and not one but TWO missed planes, we are back and settled into our routines again. Despite having a great time with family, it is still really nice to be home in our stead and our own little unit again. Reinvigorated, I have been extra productive lately. I reorganized a massively unorganized kitchen cabinet. It is crazy really but after a year or so of sheer chaos where anything went really, the house is better organized now than it has ever been. Perhaps I am simply sick of the mess. I think the real answer though, is as a mom it simply makes sense to be organized--to know where everything is and have things as ascetically pleasing as possibly. I can't get anywhere on time but gosh darn it, my house is gonna be neat. This must be nesting stage 2. God help Dave when I become pregnant again. I am already threatening him with paint chips.

In a similar vein, yesterday we got our alarm system installed. The mama bear in me is super happy because there are many kid friendly aspects to the system. The chime feature will alert me to when any outside door is open. There is an additional fire alarm that goes straight to the fire people (hopefully not the fisher price ones). And best of all, I can stop laying awake at nights imagining people breaking in and stealing my sweetheart. While this isn't a nightly ritual, I have to admit my imagination kicks in big time when Dave travels. More pragmatically, meth users are less likely to break into our house while we are gone, which is cool too.

We got the couches clean today and from what I can tell at this point, they look and smell great. Yey.

And the best part of all? Mizz has been awesome through all of this. It seems that over night he has gone from being kinda babyish still to being a full fleged, super curious, and super happy little kid. It really blew me away how he handled the five airport, four planes, countless car rides, and different people and situations all vying for his attention. Go Mizz!


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