Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Ironically I am cured

I woke up with a horrendous headache today. After suffering all day, my headache began to lift around 4:00, ironically after a day mostly spent in the preschool and kindergarten rooms. Those kids are OLD, and as far as I can tell could fit right in at any high school in town. As a teacher, they certainly take way more skill to keep on task and to maintain order in the classroom. As a parent, they frighten the heck out of me. They already know how to ridicule and ostracize and it breaks my heart to see a few of them already being picked on. I get sick at the thought that it could be Mizz in a few years. Fortunately, he is developing some street smarts. At the playground last week, I saw him beeline away from the-child-who-bites, saying "no bite, no bite" or maybe it was "bite me, bite me"... In any case, he has chosen fleeing instead of preemptive attacks. I suppose I am fine with a speedy retreat, and it is definitely preferable to the kids that just stand there and cry. Because, I keep having to remind myself that kids are going to be kids and Mizz is going to be who he is despite me or because of me (and Dave). I have to accept that and the fact that I can't protect him from everything (and even if I could, it wouldn't be good for him).


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