Thursday, July 19, 2007

Juvenile Hall

Apparently Congress recently pulled an all nighter. Are they in college? It seems ridiculous to me (almost as ridiculous as the term and act of filibuster). It seems to me like Congress has to pull these silly antics to show that THEY CARE. Yet, as Dave pointed out last night, if they really cared they would actually sit down and talk about a reasonable strategy that both sides could live with. The much praised, (by democrats, I suppose) liberal Move On's recapping of the situation was as equally pig headed as, I'm sure Fox News' coverage of it. And so, this country continues to have no plan and will continue to fight a war that seems beyond hopeless. Not that one should always to choose to fight simply based on whether or not they can win, but that probably should be factored in there somewhere. Also, in keeping with that pragmatism, should be the question of when to bail or cut your losses. I realize that America (read George Bush) does not want to LOSE FACE, but it seems to be their could be a diplomatic way of accomplishing this with perhaps some fake goals that we supposedly accomplish. Much has already been faked, why not some victory too?

Man, I am pretty snipey today. Must be the three hours I spent at the Children's Museu. That is, I had time to think why Mizz played happily in the Dig Pit.


At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I was thinking of writing s similar blog posting today.

Your observations remind me of a "solution" former NY Gov. Nelson Rockefeller had for curing the notoriously poor service of the Long Island RR.

He stated that in a certain period (I forget how long), the LIRR would be the best commuter railroad in the US.

When the stated time period elapsed, nothing changed about the railroad's performance. To meet his self-imposed goal, Rockefeller made the claim (a rather blatant lie) that, in fact, the LIRR was #1.

Grandpa Phil


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