Thursday, July 26, 2007

Mizz woke up grumpy

So we set sail for an early morning walk today. I threw him in the backpack, plugged in my ipod and did a brisk three miles. Mizz and I both cheered up considerably. Also, it occurred to me as I walked, that Mizz at 28 pounds, is pretty much what I gained in pregnancy. That seems unreal for many reasons... So instead of visiting Dada at the coast, we walked and then went grocery shopping. It is super grey today, amd so that, combined with the morning grumps, didn't exactly put me in the beachiest of moods (to say nothing of the three hour drive time). The sand will have to wait.

He is sleeping right now and I am catching up on some much neglected secretarial obligations, with a quick pause for blogging.


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