Sunday, August 03, 2008

Check out my totem pole!

This weekend involved cleaning the house, going to the neighborhood party in the park, and the usual corralling of the kiddos. Mizz was in full force ornery mood today so he spent a good part of it being scolded, ahem, I mean redirected. As in, get out of my face this second, before you are in real trouble. It is anyone's guess as to whether his antics were driven by potty issues, new brother issues, ohmigod I'm three year old issues or who knows what else. It is easy to get really mad, really quick and I have to constantly remind myself of all the things that he does wonderfully well and how much he has learned already (and how much he still has to learn).

I have also started to mildly worry about returning to work and D's start at daycare. I realize my concerns are not the usual concerns. Instead of worrying about how my baby is going to do with new people, I have to worry about how I am going to do with my baby being taken care by other people. How am I going to handle it while he is crying and I can't help him? Are the other workers going to secretly be miffed about me not working while I am nursing him? Am I ready for the inevitable exposure to all the yucky germs there? Since D will be within ear and eye sight, work will definitely not be the same break that it used to be. Still, I have long ago come to the conclusion that there is no perfect work/childcare situation and will simply have to see how it all goes. Fortunately, I could not ask for a more accommodating place to work so most likely it will turn out fine.


At 10:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love those three boys of yours!!


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