Sunday, December 14, 2008

It's snowing!

I'm pretty giddy with the snow right now. We took advantage of the wintery morning and made ourselves some Portland style ice cream--ice cream flavored with Rogue Hazelnut Brown Ale. It was pretty funny watching Dave finish the extra incredient (pint o beer) at 9:30 in the morning and then follow it up with some coffee. Actually the beer ice cream recipe in the Oregonian was in fact, paired with a spice cake flavored with Stumptown coffee to make it a true Portland dessert experience. In the background was Mizz up to his usual attention grabbing antics and D army crawling his way around the living room. He is able to make his way to the toy he wants now pretty consistently. And then there was the holiday CD that Uncle Sam made us a few years ago playing holiday favorites by Run DMC, No Doubt, and of course, Adam Sandler. If I had two hands right now, I would link to all this stuff, and perhaps will one day...


At 2:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for including us in your wonderful moment! Portland got smacked pretty good yesterday, did you take a Snow Day?


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