Sunday, April 25, 2010

Where in the world have we been?

Well for starters, right here on the couch. D is OBSESSED with Lady Gaga and asks for her, oh, forty thousand times a day. Imagine my horror, when he informed me in no uncertain terms that he prefers the Lady G to the Big M (Madonna). Kids these days.

When we are not boob tubing it up. We are outside enjoying the flowers and spending hours moving dirt from one pile to another. The boys can spend hours and hours with these basic elements: plants, rocks, dirt, and water.

We also have been checking out the Mizz's school. Come this fall, the Mizz will be debuting at the school right down the street. We didn't get into any of the schools we tried for in the lottery but honestly, I am pretty excited to do things the old fashion way: walk Mizz to school and let him meet the kids in his neighborhood.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A very special post

Since I have been so lax about posting recently, I decided to invite a guest blogger to post a never before released piece of fiction. That's right folks, you get to read Mizz's first ever internet post RIGHT HERE!

One dark and rainy day, there was a little boy who wanted to go outside but it was the evening and "Nobody goes outside in the evening" his mother told him. He really, really, really wanted to play trains on his train table since he couldn't go outside, but his mother told him "Your baby brother is sleeping so you can't go upstairs and play trains in your room." Then he said "I wanna play the piano really loud!" His mother said "You can't play the piano really loud because your baby brother is sleeping!". So the little boy said, "If I can't play the piano really loud, then I want to play Legos! And that was downstairs so he could play with it.

After reading over his work, Mizz remarked "That's a pretty cool story!"

In this case, art definitely resembles life. I have to admit, that I am a little dismayed that the Mama character is such a heavy in the story.