Friday, July 16, 2010

Boys in the parks

I think these pictures pretty much speak for themselves. I am so thrilled about all the options for kiddo entertainment in the summer. This week we have spent hours playing in the sandbox and local fountains and also managed to visit four different parks. Mizz is spending more time playing with his peers at the park. It did my heart good yesterday to see him running around with three other five year olds playing ball. No adult intervention needed! Kindergarten here he comes! As for D, he is getting ridiculously strong and agile for his little toddler self. He is able to climb the rock wall now and in general, is willing to jump both feet and head first off of things that are, in my opinion, questionable launching pads. Actually, I suppose, it is the landing surface that are more questionable. The other day I walked into their bedroom to find them both diving off Mizz's TALL bed headfirst. Mizz assurred me that it didn't hurt. They both had bid red bumps on their foreheads. It cracks me up every time I think about it. They love copying each other so much which is a great blessing except when it involves strewing banana peels on the floor, screeching like velociraptors or fighting over who had the toy first/put it down/gave it to me and then changed his mind.


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