Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ice Cream Man

Here's the promised pic of Mizz after scarfing down some homemade ice cream. It was gratifying to see the ingredients that went into it. We are going to have fun experiementing to find the perfect recipe!

Today Mizz and I seized the sunshine and made use of the baby backpack and went on a stoll around the neighborhood. Yesterday we did the same and ended up getting soaked. Mizz was singing in the rain for awhile and then he started screaming in the rain. Oh well. We have both been going crazy being so cooped up. The only fun that Mizz seems to come up with is trying to break into or get things that he is not supposed to have. This is not as fun as it sounds for me who is supposed to be holding the line and setting limits. Half the time I want to crack up, the other half of the time I want to lock him up in a padded cell.

He is sleeping right now and I am praying it is a two hour nap and not one of his bogus 1 hour and 15 minuters.

Enough rambling for now, I am reading The Memory Keeper's Daughter and it is riveting because you know there is a train wreck in the making. At this point though, I don't know if anyone is going to survive. Gruesome stuff, really... Must go read.


At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep the faith ... and a log. You will cherish these days as the years go by.

I bet Mizz will enjoy strawberry IC.


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