Saturday, November 11, 2006

Playing Catch Up

I am currently running behind in everything (even more so than usual). Mizz has another ear infection and this one came complete with its own little surprise. This morning Mizz woke up covered with red bumps. While I started raking through my memory of scary rash-having diseases, somewhere my rational brain kicked in and I realized that he was most likely having an allergic reaction to the antibiotic prescribed yesterday. After a fun hour and a half visit to the doctor, it seems that the Mizz is allergic to penicillin. So now he is on a regimine of Benadryl and an antibiotic which I hope he will tolerate. Recently Mizz has enhanced his gagging skills and after some nasty projectile incidents with Tylenol, I am nervous about 10 more days of med administration. Ok enough about that. I promise to compensate for the gross talk with some really cute pictures soon. But now, after many short nights and long days at work, I want to sleep.


At 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Fran,
Sorry to read about the little bumps on the little one...hope he is better soon!



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