Thursday, March 08, 2007

I want credit (and a new car for that matter)

I hear that if you put things out to the universe, they just might happen. So what the hell.

But seriously, I should win some sort of award for self deprivation because I did not eat a single malt ball until 5:30. Just don't ask me what happened at 5:35...

It was a fast and furious day as usual for me. Meaning that I have so much pent up anxiety about job questions that I spent a good part of the day running around like a nut ball. I did manage to take a long walk this morning by the river which was fantastic. And I did get in a nice chat with Marketing Mommy. And I went through my closet again. I am slowly but surely weeding out the clothes that haven't graced my body in the last decade and are no longer the sentimental pulls that they used to be.

As for the Mizzster, he is doing well and is adjusting to some staff changes and restructuring of the classroom. He took off like a bandit after a few minutes of cuddles. Apparently he had a blast finger painting and rabble rousing with the other toddlers on the block.

On the home front, the hanging blinds continue to fare poorly in the battle against Mizz. In talking to both Janet and Alma, today they both reminded me that a certain someone (rhymes with Fizz's Fafa) used to like to test people limits or "push people's buttons". It seems that you get what you dish out... Mizz will now do his "badness" and then run to put himself in time out! All with a silly smile on his face. And he still refuses to say Mama. Even though he is perfectly capable of doing so. He is my sweet, sweet, sweet little prankster.


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