Saturday, April 14, 2007

Cleaning House

Mizz heard me threaten his toys today. I told Dave that we needed to sort through the toys in the living room and give some of them temporary residence in the garage. Mizz took immediate action and hurriedly began stuffing all of the skillions of toy parts into his kitchen--through the hole where the sink pulls out. It was hilarious and actually a great idea. So now his kitchen doubles as a toy box. I hope he forgets about it all for awhile and I can have a brief respite from the balls, puzzles, critters, boats, et al that are pretty constantly underfoot. Mizz appears to be one of those wild creative types that likes to have everything within eye site and reach.

Dave and I also tackled the garage after Mizz went to bed. We made some serious progress and rediscovered some old treasures. Dave and I bid farewell to a trunk load of textbooks that we will never crack again. We were both fairly nostalgic about our school days what with all the reading, writing, and arithmetic. Moving heavy, dusty boxes around the garage was actually relaxing after a day with Mizz. He was on high volume all day and has refined his screaming technique. I miss the days of the old teakettle...Mizz has also demonstrated a curious proclivity for spewing liquid out of his mouth, sometimes spit, sometimes milk. The curious part of it that he sometimes spins around the spot on the floor, and then gets down and tries to lick it up. My diagnostic skill fail me in this case and I am simply considering him to be a general freak like me (although to my knowledge I have never licked the floor).


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