Monday, April 23, 2007

Weekend Recap

It was, as usual, great visiting with Alma. I love reminiscing about the past, laughing about our silly teenage foibles and also, comparing notes about our present lives. As noted in the previous posts, we ate and browsed our way through a chunk of the cute Portland neighborhoods. The highlights for me were the Elliot Erwitt photo exhibit at the Portland Art Museum and the pedicure at Zenana's. It only took me six years to check out the museum, and while it was small, I thought it was nicely done, especilly the new Jubitz Hall. We ate at the Heathman Hotel and for some unknown reason I ordered the Crab Cakes--something I have never done--and they were amazingly fantastic. Unfortunately some of the other weekend fare was more disappointing (for example the raw chicken from the Delta Cafe and the close to bland Halibut from Oba). Both places have been amazingly good in the past so the lack of pizazz was disappointing.

And Mizz?

He has been talking about Alma all afternoon. He really took a shine to her although you might not know it with his Mr. Shy Man act every morning. But I think he was just playing hard to get because he clearly enjoyed her games and silliness. Mizz and I spent the afternoon playing catch up since I was out on the town most of the weekend. He was extra cuddly and adorable.


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