Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ick on the highway

I say ick a lot now in my ongoing attempt to dissuade Mizz from putting things into his mouth. Why bark but not grilled cheese? I don't think it is all that effective since he laughs, mimics me, and continues to do it. Perhaps wiring his jaw shut would work but I digress...

I saw a professional looking sign on the highway tonight that said Forget Amnesty, Go Home Beaners. Even though it was clearly a concise and thoughtful way to enter into the immigration debate, it left me with a pretty icky feeling. In fact, I was disgusted by it and felt sorry for all the immigrants (legal or not) that saw it and embarassed to potentially being perceived as part of a community that would make such an ugly, sweeping blanket statement like that. I suppose everyone is entitled to their opinion, I just wish more people would take it upon themselves to get more informed about the issues before making such hateful statements. Realistically, I know that is a pipe dream. I haven't even opened the ballot handbook that was mailed a few weeks ago and frankly, am not even sure if I have missed the election. On the other hand, I don't usually walk around spouting racial slurs either and realize that there are always intended and unintended effects to any policy change. So there, clearly I am superior than that signmaker. And really, it is all about me anyway, isn't it?


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