Friday, November 16, 2007

Mizz Bits

Mizz is starting to play with rhyming words. "Mama, house rhymes with mouse!" He is also able to identify what letter many words start with. These puzzles make our car trips way more fun for both of us. He loves being quizzed and learns things so quickly and excitedly.

Mizz asked for a tunnel today on the way home. This is exciting (and maybe a little frightening) because it is his first toy request. When I asked him where we might get a tunnel, he said "at the tunnel store!" Hmmm...we just might make a trek to the IKEA store tomorrow. After all, the boy has gotta have a tunnel.

When I asked Mizz what he wanted for dinner, he said broccoli. Which was strange considering he has been rejecting anything green as of late. I almost didn't make any, but changed my mind and was shocked to discover that he actually ate it. It is ridiculous how much satisfaction I get from watching him eat broccoli.

Mizz was thrilled to tell me that his class took an impromptu field trip to the post office today where they got a behind the scenes tour and scored some cool coloring books. OK, he didn't use the word impromptu or the phrase "behind the scenes" but he was still pretty excited as was his teacher who had come up with the idea in the first place.


At 6:29 AM, Blogger Grandpa Phil said...

Don't waste time on expensive tunnel toys. (Note: That's what grandparents are for). Cut a tube, such as the cardboard center tube of a paper towel roll, or a Kleenex box, in half.

This could teach Max how objects can be adapted into new shapes and uses (or, oops, give him some potentially destructive ideas).


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