Saturday, November 03, 2007

More fearmongering

And this time believe it or not, it is not coming from our trusted elected officials (retch) it is coming from my very own supportive mama community. Here is the link, read it at your own risk. I chose to skip the post and trust that I will continue to use good judgement about monitoring the Mizz and teaching him appropriate precautions as they become relevant. This post closely follows another query from a mom who recently asked the group how they maintained their safety while strapping their kids in the car. Of course one of the answers drudged up an old news article about an incident involving a man in the zoo parking lot attempting to do something bad to a woman with her kids. Yes, scary stuff. A regular happening? No. No wonder we are a bunch of hyper vigilant, I will measure every last drop of food that goes into my kids mouth moms. When we feel out of control, we will do whatever it takes to control something. I , for one, am going to embrace the idea that what you see on the news is just that news and not everyday occurrences. Of course it is a tough juggling act to balance reason with emotion, because raising children tends to bring out the mama bear in all of us, the bear that wants to protect her cub at all costs. Even I suppose, our sanity.


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