Thursday, December 27, 2007


Just kidding. We woke up this morning to dire predictions of the wintry storm that was going to descend upon the valley floor by mid morning and continue throughout the day. I toyed with the idea of canceling my playdate but then decided to take my chances and just leave early if it started looking bad. In any case, the snow never happened and I, for one, am sorely disappointed, because as much as I don't really like snow anymore, I am unbelievably sick of the rain. At least snow is pretty and makes for some funny, hyperbole laden newscasters. I really am at a loss if the weather is actually wetter this year (something I am sure my research happy husband could look up for me) or if it is just me being pregnant and with a toddler that wants to go outside, to the park, all day, every day. Strangely my rational, well thought out explanations produce looks of confusion and louder, more insistent requests on his part...

We do the best we can though, and yesterday the minute there was a cloud break we took to the streets protesting, I mean strollering down the sidewalk. Mama's gotta get some exercise. After a exhilarating and brisk 40 minute walk, I unleashed the beast and let him walk the last seven blocks home. Needless to say, the pace slowed down considerably, but it was really entertaining watching him try to push the wobbly umbrella stroller in a straight line down the sidewalk.

Today, we went to the library and, like every time, I fell in love with the system all over again. In addition to having the best customer service on the planet, excellent programs, and outstanding resources, they also had the exact potty training video that I had been thinking about hunting down. And miracle of all miracles, the Mizz actually sat on the couch and watched it with us--something he has done oh, maybe once in his life. So we'll see how it goes, I have to somewhat shamefully admit, I am somewhat on the fence about the timing of this whole endeavor for two reasons. One, it seems like an awful like of work. Diapers while not exactly pleasant are for the most part super easy at this point. The second issue, is that I am not entirely sure that Mizz is ready and definitely don't want to pressure him and set us up for a long drawn out struggle. So at this point, I am sort of looking at the whole process as an experiment and we'll see how it goes.


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