Saturday, January 12, 2008

Slow News Week

What can I say? Mizz and I have been up to our usual hi jinks. We visited the OMSI with some friends. Got mama and baby checked out with the midwives (we're both doing well). And we both made tons of sarcastic remarks about the lunacy of our primary/caucus system and the media hype that does a major disservice to the American people by focusing on irrelevant and sensational issues instead of things like voting records, policy proposals, etc. Mizz and I are feeling pretty disenfranchised right now living in Oregon and can only dream of living in a state where one day we might have a say about who our political party picks for the nomination.


At 8:15 PM, Blogger Grandpa Phil said...

One of your UVA professors, Larry Sabato, has proposed a reasonable fix for our nominating process in his new book, A More Perfect Constitution.

He suggests that Congress should be constitutionally required to designate four contiguous regions of the country; all the states in each region would be required every four years to hold Presidential primaries or caucuses during a one month period.

He'd limit the primary season to April through July. A lottery would be used to designate the month during which each region would hold their primary or caucus.

Over time, each region would have the opportunity to go first; no state or region would have a permanent unfair advantage.

Nominating conventions would be held in August.

Hopefully this plan or a rationale alternative will replace the current chaotic nominating "process" before 2012.

At 12:30 PM, Blogger Dave said...

Yeah. I'll be looking for that change any day now. Everybody is about "change" these days anyway, aren't they?


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