Tuesday, April 01, 2008

It's got a silver lining!

But is it FAA approved?

This is the strangest baby product I have seen to date. With the urinal for toddlers a close second. Although, who needs a urinal when you have the whole house to pee on? But I digress...I admit I haven't yet read the description, but from the pic, it looks like a baby in a suitcase. I have officially gone off the pregnancy deep end and am searching the internet like mad for the magic products that will make this transition easier. If I could just get a break from the freaking oxytocin, I might be able to sit still long enough to accept that there ain't nothing out there that is going to make me feel truly prepared.

So instead, at this moment, I am second guessing the paint I chose for the office (as the third coat is being applied), obsessing about used crib mattresses, and looking at wall decorations. If I weren't me, I would be laughing at myself right now.


At 2:43 PM, Blogger Marketing Mommy said...

I don't understand. What IS this thing?

At 6:09 AM, Blogger Dave said...

A baby in a suitcase seems perfect. Because there aren't enough things out there for babies to sleep in/be carried around in. This one is the ultimate best since it occupies both one of your hands AND a lot of space.


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