Friday, March 07, 2008

Dress Up

Mizz got very interested in animals with whiskers at the zoo yesterday. When he got home he made sure to tell Dave that he had a real kitty cat and pretend kitty cat in his room. When I offered to get some face paint to draw some whiskers on him he asked for red whiskers to go with his red pajamas (he has been claiming for a while that red and white are his favorite colors, which is not surprising given our house). In any case, when I asked him what Daddy should dress up as he said a black bird with yellow wings, and as for me, I get to be an alligator with yellow wings. I am one special animal. All this talk though makes me think that I need to get cracking on finding/repurposing some clothes for dress up because while he won't sit very often and play with his animals or dolls, he may be really into pretending we are animals and doctors and firefighters and babies.


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