Sunday, March 09, 2008

I'm Pregnant!

I don't quite understand how it happened but I went from barely feeling pregnant yesterday to feeling really pregnant today. In fact I spent most of today thinking/worrying about what the next two months are going to feel like. If I could walk more and spend less time bending down, I think things would be better. To rally myself up, I took my slow walking self to the toy store to spend the gift cards I have been hoarding and bought some really thoughtful, hopefully Mizz captivating toys and activities. I got an ABC stamp kit, some really cool floor puzzles, small wooden blocks, a beading kit, and a small set of lincoln logs. But really it is the warmer, sunnier weather that is going to save me. I can't wait for when it is warm enough to spend the majority of our mornings at the park and the zoo. And despite a fair amount of trepidation about the sleepless nights looming ahead, I am getting really excited and slightly impatient about meeting this new little boy.


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