Thursday, August 21, 2008

His very own big red stick

In a moment of desperation a few weeks ago, I asked Mizz what he would pick out at the store if he could have anything he wanted. I wanted some leverage with the whole potty training business and was ready to kick it up to flat out bribery (as opposed to the candy incentive method that wasn't producing ahem, results). He barely even thought about it before announcing that he wanted "a red stick, a big red stick, from the red stick store". Apparently he is a boy. I have no idea where this idea came from unless it is hardwired into all little boys that they must have big sticks to play with, swing around, and in general terrorize their mothers with. So flash forward to today. Mizz has been making, um, loads of progress in the potty area and has been happily collected cookies and matchbox cars for his successes. And now that the cars are gone, he reminded me that he wants his stick. A red one. A big one. So I am hoping that a mailer tube, painted red will do the trick. It can be a tunnel for his cars and just might not poke his eye out.


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