Sunday, January 04, 2009

Yet another post about slow blogging

I had to laugh when I started reading all the recent articles and postings about the new movement in the blogosphere of slow blogging.  Besides the obvious joke that I may have invented it, I think it is a fascinating indication of the pace of communication in our society. Some people claim that slow blogging is a backlash against the new faster ways of communicating every one's thoughts, opinions, and general happenings.  I suppose these blogging purists think that crafting a well thought out blog post weekly is a more meaningful and lasting form of communication.  I also suspect though, that some of those that have joined the slow blogging movement may be simply have gotten busy, stressed by the constant need to produce, and/or sucked into the highly addiction time suck known as Facebook and Twitter.  Who has time to write when you can get minute by minute updates about 300 of your closest friends?   

I actually started this post because I keep finding that blogging is too slow a format for what I intended it to be--a record of Mizz' and now D's  development.   Mizz is constantly making so many connections about how the world works --some of which are even accurate!   Almost every hour something absolutely hilarious or breathtakingly innocent pops out of his mouth and I want to remember it forever.   I think I am going to have to resort to the very low tech method of writing these quotes down on slips of paper and collecting them in a box--a method my former boss used while her daughters were growing up thirty years ago.


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