Both of my boys are improving their A game (which is code for trying to drive Mama insane). They are getting faster and stronger and are basically scaling new heights to basically confirm my worst fears about having two boys. In the last two days, Mizz has discovered the joy of sending things flying down the stair. A rod from the closet made it's way down this afternoon. While I admit it is fun to watch things fly down stairs, at 3 and a half, Mizz isn't yet the best judge of what is and what isn't fair game. D knows exactly where he is not supposed to be and watches like a hawk for an opening. He is ridiculosly fast for such a little guy. The best part is his sheer indignation when I scoop him up with an unh-uh-ah! At the park this afternoon, I got a taste of what the summer is going to be like, lots of prying woodchips out of my mouth and yelling across the park to Mizz to "Be Nice", because that always works.