Monday, October 16, 2006


Geez, I don't even know where to start with this posting. The good news is Mizz is doing much better and mostly back to his hurricane self. The latest skill that we are working on (and that he is challenging me with) is holding hands while walking. Mizz, much like Chloe on a leash, refuses to be tethered and simply squats down and refuses to budge. So for now, it is pretty much stroller or back pain city for mom.

Also Uncle Sam and his girlfriend, Megan, paid us a visit. Mizz had a great time listening to Sam's animal noises and stealing his drinks. Sam and Megan toured the city a little, got to see the rain at pretty much its worst and are still planning on moving here in the spring. I can't wait.

The last bit of news, and the hardest to write about, is that Bruce Lee is now up for adoption with a shelter that guarantees to find him a home. It is really sad to see him go because other than his cat box issues, he is a really great cat. I just hope he finds a loving home. I am sure he will thrive without an agressive cat and zooming toddler lurking behind every corner.

So that's pretty much it for now. I am already looking forward to this weekend with no travel plans, no appointments, hopefully no sickness, and maybe some lazy time. It could happen.


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