Wednesday, October 11, 2006

We're Back!

In more or less one piece. I, unfortunately, picked a horrendous time to come down with strep throat (yes, apparently adults get that too, who knew?!). Max in his unbridled glee to explore his new surroundings and new playmate, obtained one bloody nose, one bruise under his eye, and god knows how many bumps on his forehead. Josh, Alma's husband, appropriately nicknamed him Hurricane Mizz. In keeping with this, my husband and I quickly developed a category rating system to sum up his energy level and to warn others in his path. "He's gone from a level 5 to a level 3 after stroy time". Actually, despite the whirlwind and ailments (and to reassure the grandparents, Mizz's were all par for the course and minor), the trip was wonderful. As Alma mentioned in her blog, it really was great to have "face time" with each other and our families. While phones and the internet are great substitues, nothing compares to being able to experience the person in high definition and unedited. It was also amazing to me to see our children playing together. Z was for an almost 2 year old remarkably empathetic and willing to share her time, toys, and most remarkably, her parents' attention. To top all of that, Oak Park was incredibly beautiful with mild temperatures, clear sky, and leaves starting to turn color. Now, as we readjust back into out Portland lives, I can only pray that Z and her rents (as Alma and I used to say) don't get sick.


At 1:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you all are back safely ... thanks for reassuring the grandparents.

Grandpa P can be a worry-wart.


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