Thursday, November 16, 2006

Goodbye Goodnight Moon

It is official. Mizz is no longer a baby anymore. Yes, I know that he is 16 months old, but up until the last two weeks I could still savor our sweet bedtime routine which involved a bottle, a cuddly baby, and the sweet cadence of the Goodnight Moon. No more though. The routine started to flag when Mizz began insisting on walking around while he drank his evening libation. Alright I figured, this is my cue to cut out the bottle, and sure enough, Mizz didn't even blink with the switch. The last four nights he has pushed aside the Goodnight Moon and made a beeline to the crib. So no more storytime. I still get the cuddles though, because he is absolutely enraptured with his pop-up Wheels on the Bus book. We read it a lot. He actually goes ballistic if I try to delay the reading or steer him toward another book. It's all pretty funny considering he used to regularly start bawling at the windshield wiper page.


At 6:53 PM, Blogger Marketing Mommy said...

Congratulations to Mizz on saying bye-bye to the bottle. We just hit another milestone ourselves--the switch from whole to 2% milk.


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