Sunday, December 03, 2006

One expensive coffee later, we finally bite the bullet

Dave, Mizz, and I hit the mall yesterday after a failed walk attempt in our neighborhood. It was way too windy for Mizz and we had to quickly mount a retreat after just five blocks, with me dragging the stroller behind me for several of them. Dave and I were desperate for a walk and coffee so we made a pact to go to the mall and do just that. We started off strong and had resisted the lures of Barnes and Noble and if we had simply left after returing a bread pan at Macys we would have actually netted money (sort of). But no, I suggested that we just go check out the beds really quickly. Mind you we have been researching and shopping for beds for a long time, so it wasn't by any means an impulse decision. But I still feel guilty for spending the money. I can rationalize it many ways (I have had years of practice rationalizing spending), but it still is majorly stressful to me to spend that kind of dough. But sleep is important... Besides Mizz, it is probably the number one topic that I have spent time thinking abou this year. And so, here's to hoping that this year is a better one for me and Dave in the land of nod.


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