Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Repeat after me...

I need to get a grip. I must have drank too much of the mama bear juice this morning. As Mizz and I were walking, I found myself considering what I would do if a dog attacked Mizz. I got pretty freaking graphic in my head before I realized that this line of thinking wasn't the healthiest or most productive use of the walk. Later on though, I saw a school bus and almost had a heart attack as I pictured my little boy riding the bus (unrestrained!) and going somewhere way too big and scary by himself. OK, F, breathe. Like I said, I need to get a grip. But sharing these concerns by writing and talking about them helps.

And aside from my usual anxiety, we had a great day. It was beautiful weather and we played like two toddlers on the playground. Luckily for Mizz I don't mind looking like an idiot on the playground. So we played hide and seek, with Mizz hiding and me pretending I couldn't find him and went up and down the slides 100 times. This was my way of paying him back for dragging him to the grocery store, post office, Michael's, and Cascadia yesterday.


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