Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Franny!

Is it uncouth to wish yourself Happy Birthday on your blog? I actually think it's hilarious considering I keep forgetting and being reminded by everyone including the bank teller. It seems that I have sublimated, no overtly transferred all my birthday excitement to Mizz, whose big 2 year old birthday is just a mere three weeks away. But it has been a great birthday celebration for this ancient dinosaur. My dad was thrilled by my brother's surprise appearance and I as always, I love spending time with him. Bella Beach was awesome despite some less than favorable weather. We managed to do a lot in the two and a half days that we were there, including the fantastic Newport Aquarium and some serious, much needed hot tubbing. And of course, we have eaten some even more serious food. Dave and I even mangaged to sneak out for a romantic, ocean view dinner knowing that Mizz was in great hands. It was really spectacular and I will probably think about those fish tacos and coconut pie for a long time (not to mention the view and my wonderfully sweet husband). Last night, we pulled in one of Mizz's many cool babysitters and went to Higgins. While it was a little too hoity toity for Sam, Dave, and me, the steak was delicious and it was really fun to dine as a family again. My brother has not lost the ability to make me crack up at the most inopportune times (namely usually with a big mouthful of food). Being with him remind me of all the shenanigans we used to pull as children, many of which I am not entirely sure I am looking forward to as a parent. Mizz has had a blast with Ba Pa, Gra JJ and Unca Smah. Mizz had a particularly great time showing out his water management skills at the OMSI while my folks checked out in detail the Bodyworlds 3 exhibit.


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