Saturday, April 12, 2008

They can't do this to me

The powers that be have decided that it is time to renovate my personal Fred Meyer store. I suppose Mizz would beg to differ. It is, in fact, his very own Fred Meyer store, which also happens to be his favorite store, as he will frequently point out. I wonder if the Fred Meyer store would still be the fave if we had ever made it to the tunnel store (see some previous post that I am too lazy to look up). I think it is his favorite store because if Mizz is ever in need of anything (one day he wanted his very own steering wheel), he is sure that they have it at the Fred Meyer store. In any case, the store has been completely ransacked during the construction and so I now know where NOTHING is. And I have zero chance of figuring it out, because there is no system and they keep moving things. So I suppose I either need to take myself somewhere else or just deal with the chaos until sometime this summer. As for today though, I went to the grocery store, managed to leave with the very basics and could only come up with PB and J for dinner--not too impressive I realize.


At 4:43 PM, Blogger Grandpa Phil said...

It's been frustrating in Harrisburg, too, where over the last few years most of the large grocery stores have been renovated. At least they have added more organic and local products.

So, I can sympathize with you and Mizz from the perspective of a shared experience.


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