Sunday, January 14, 2007

Fun weekend=Exhaustion

We sauntered down to our local cafe yesterday and enjoyed some good eats. While it wasn't particularly relaxing, Dave and I recognize that we have to socialize the beast. Just think what a restaurant experience would look like in a couple of years with a five year old that had never been to one. So despite the lack of highchairs, we even unleashed him from his stroller and let him have at it. OK, it wasn't total freedom. We were very lucky and basically scored the back wall of the restaurant. From our booth we made a blockade with the toy box they so generously provided and his stroller. I got to eat salmon frittata with truffle aioli sauce and Mizz got to play with new shiny things. Perfecto. Mizz apparently mistaked the stickers I had saved for the occasion for dessert and kept trying to eat them. He is developing a pretty big fondness for sticker activity books but is not very inspired by blank sheets of paper yet. My dreams of him becoming an artist aren't looking too good at this point, but who knows, he still has time to figure it all out I suppose.

Today we dragged ourselves to the mall for a book for baby sign language and new shoes for the Mizz. Mizz has been making a repeating signs like crazy recently. Who knew? Now I feel bad Dave and I didn't start earlier. He signs milk, more, please, and eat. I am going to teach him star, cat, and help this week. I also found the Mizz snack jackpot. Whole freeze dried raspberries. That boy can put away some berries. He ate a whole cup of frozen strawberries yesterday and today would have eaten the whole bag of raspberries if we let him. I take probably way too much pleasure in how well he eats.


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