Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Meta blog analysis

God, I am such a nerd. I have begun reading about blogging and now I am writing about blogging. I became really depressed recently when I read a heated debate on Babble about the hipper than thou, ironic, wry wit of many modern mom bloggers. The description sounded way too familiar and I realized that (gasp) I am a product of my generation. I don't know why that should bother me so much; after all, how could I not be? But the very essence of me and many of my ilk is the tendency to question everything and not buy into trends. So to recognize that I had somehow absorbed the voice of many others was pretty disappointing. I agree with Babble about the reason for the voice. It is simply way easier to write funny stories about your child (especially about poop-- just the word makes me smile) than it is to put down on paper, or in type, about the fears, stress, and love that is at times -- pretty darn overwhelming, at least to me. Everyday I am struck with a feeling of such joy and huge love for Mizz. Almost as often though, I experience intense feelings related to the inherent vulnerability of all things human. At those times, I take a deep breath and focus on the huge capacity for resilience and simply cling to the faith that most of the time things turn out just fine. Unfortunately being real often sounds way too cliche.


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