Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Tagged! I'm it.

And, in typical fashion, late. Given that I almost never respond to these types of things, this tag will most likely end with me, but I will go ahead and give answers to not be a total Scrooge. And thank you, of course, to Marketing Mommy for thinking of me.

First, the Rules:

1) Post these rules before you give your facts

2) List 8 random facts about yourself

3) At the end of your post, choose (tag) people and list their names, linking to them

4) Leave a comment on their blog, letting them know they’ve been tagged

And now… my facts:

1) Driving a bus gets in your blood. I still dream of piloting those 12 tons of steel and sometimes can romanticize it enough that bus driving seems like a good job choice.

2) But if I could do any job in the world, I would invest in some camera equipment, enroll in some more classes and unleash my lens unto the world.

3) I was so overwhelmed at my first Madonna concert, that I cried at the sheer excitement of seeing her after loving her for so many years. The only thing that stood in the way of me not returning the second night was my not as thrilled husband. I may one day forgive him.

4) My first job out of college and my current one both involve the management of poop.

5) I am a seriously competitive Ms. Pac Man player.

6) If I could live anywhere in the world, it would be right here in Portland. I certainly wouldn't pass up a second house in Hawaii though.

7) If I could hop on a plane this instant, with a tag a long nanny, I'd be in Paris in about 12 hours.

8) I have a serious knack for pairing flavors together and cooking in general without a recipe. This might stem from the fact that I am categorically unable to follow recipes or instructions without inadvertently changing them around.


At 4:03 AM, Blogger Christine said...

Paris, huh? I don't think I knew that was your destination #1. Why Paris? Having been there, I would say it isn't in my top 20. I'd love to go back to Hong Kong, Auckland, and Byron Bay.


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