Friday, August 31, 2007

TGI Three Day weekend

I am really grateful for the upcoming weekend and the time to spend with Dave and Mizz. It has been a whirlwind around here for the last three weeks and I for one and ready to slow down. In the last two days I attended 17 hours of early childhood and parent education seminars, so I am now officially considered an expert on all things little kids do and all the things that parents should and shouldn't do. Why is it then, that Mizz spit on me this afternoon? And what possessed him to pee in a cup in his room yesterday after his bath? You'll have to attend one of my trainings to find out the reasons for this and many of his other lunatic behaviors. Seriously though, I have to say that educating myself has been amazingly helpful in allowing me to relax and enjoy him in all his toddler glory. He is so wonderfully silly and sweet and so much his own person that I am continually in awe at the process of it all. That's not to say that my head sometimes doesn't hurt from his sheer volume and repetition. Light is ON! Light is Off! But at the risk of sounding like the broken record that is all parents, he is changing so fast and learning so much it's hard to believe it.


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