Thursday, October 18, 2007

Could he be any sweeter?

Mizz showered his grandparents with affection this week. I am so grateful and proud that he has this capacity at what seems like such a young age. He acted like he sees them every week instead of every 3-6 months. And they soaked it up and spent hours playing legos, reading books, doing puzzles, and crafting play doh masterpieces all while this mama lounged on the couch. It was particularly endearing to watch Mizz shoot hoops with his Grandpa, who somehow managed to coax Mizz out of his taking turns hang up. Mizz's unsolicited hug and "I love you Grandpapa" might have been the sweetest moment of the weekend. Other trip highlights included Mizz's complete awe of the candle lit dining room at the steakhouse we went to the first night and the two hour two mile trip we took leaving the pumpkin patch.


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