Tuesday, October 09, 2007

It's only Tuesday

Mizz iz trying to suck the life out of me this week. Strike everything I said about him developing a conscience and replace it with he may be turning into a fledging sociopath. It seems that he is taking increasing pleasure in doing the very things that he knows he is not supposed to do. And while some can be ignored, some cannot and then the question remains "how do you discipline effectively a seemingly unflappable toddler?" Stern anger doesn't work. Neither do time outs or "go sit in the corners". Forget about reasoning, Mizz usually turns it around and says things like "I want to tip over" or "I want to rip the book". In talking to other mom friends, I realize that this is all well within his toddler prerogative but still I would love to figure out how to make it through the day with my sense of humor still intact. I did just finally figure out that it is likely he is sprouting his two year molars, so I can cling to the well loved excuse/hope that all of this can be explained by teething and will disappear once they have sprung.


At 8:34 PM, Blogger Dave said...

-Are you going to listen to Daddy from now on?



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