Never, ever, ever, get pregnant again.
Reason #342
Dave and I have recently downgraded the dinners wars to a low level squirmish. After too many angry dinners, we have finally swallowed our egos and decided that we can not prove a point to the Mizz with loud, negative reactions to his increasingly bad behavior. At three years old, he is well aware that dumping milk, throwing waffles, and upending cereal bowls is not acceptable. So, we are taking the wind out of his sails, hopefully, by either ignoring or calmly redirecting him to another task. My fear is that since he is used to some serious reprimand, he will continue to raise the stakes. Which is what he did tonight by purposely dumping my glass of water AFTER Dave and I matter of factly dealt with his tossed pasta. Fortunately the chair caught my glass so there were no shards to deal with... I keep reminding myself that this is a phase, every other phase that I worried would never end did in fact end.
Reason #343
All this follows up all day trip to Corvallis today which was for the most part quite lovely. Once again though, I am reminded that just because kids FIT in a car, doesn't mean they should GO in a car. At least not for more than 20 minute increments. I am not sure who feels more caged, me or the Mizz. In any case we made two stops on the 80 mile trip going up and endured about 30 minute of crying/whining on the way back, but with no stops!!!