Monday, March 26, 2007

Curses! Part Deux!

I considered titling this "Greetings from the land of Mizz", which I think is a rather nice play on the land of Oz. But "Curses" really says it all. It seems that I have most succumbed to the pneumonia bug as well. While I am no doctor, the thermometer and the tightness in my chest seem like pretty good indicators. On the bright side, I know now why the Mizzster has been so grumpy (I feel pretty miserable) and I also found out that there were many other pneumonia cases at daycare so I can't necessarily blame my slovenliness.

So barring a miraculous recovery I guess I will haul us to the doctor tomorrow (a check up for him and some pink stuff, or more likely, tablets for me). Hmmm...maybe the family doc will take us early and I can kill two birdies with one stone. So it is off to bed right now. My first day at the daycare was exhausting but I am guessing my disease might have affected my stamina some.


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