Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Mizzbits and a little bit of psychobabble

It cracks me up in a wry sort of way that Mizz can't stand pieces of carpet lint on the stairs or stray pieces of food on himself, but can casually chuck handfuls of food onto the floor.

Mizz is now officially a Pacific NW driver, he shows no indication of having read the drivers' manual and has just dumped his first Starbucks onto the driver's seat. Fortunately, given the vehicle, the aroma is actually an improvement. OK so technically he has not yet put the pedal to the metal, but he does like steering and touching all the driver accessories. If I can figure out how to get a pic off the phone I will post one. I think I am married to someone who has such capabilities. It's been so long, I'm not sure...

I love this article so graciously forwarded to me by Alma because it challenges people to examine their choices and why and how they make them. I have been spending a lot of time thinking about child rearing practices recently (duh) and specifically about how our generation and current culture is shaping it today. Just as it is silly to think that there is one way to do it, it is also ridiculous to think that our practices and cherished beliefs occur in a vacuum. This approach though, as you might surmise, is slightly crazy making for me, because it leads me to question everything which is sort of an antithesis to truly being present or "in the moment" as New Age types like to say. In all of my work (hey I am three whole years post masters!), I am pretty certain that it is this ability that ultimately leads to happiness/contentment/fulfillment.


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